

Young Lions PRINT Competition

Сможете ли вы придумать потрясающую постерную кампанию и воплотить ее в жизнь всего за 24 часа? Это главная задача конкурса в категории Печатная реклама Молодых Львов.
Как это работает
  • Проверяете на соответствие требованиям конкурса в своей стране (возраст, опыт и количество участников)
  • Регистрируетесь в конкурсе (анкета и взнос)
  • Получаете бриф и создаете работу за 24 часа
  • Выигрываете конкурс (или нет)
  • Если выиграли конкурс в своей стране, то участвуете в финале конкурса на Международном Фестивале Креативности Каннские Львы с 17 по 22 июня 2024 года (только для финалистов из Казахстана)
Вы будете забрифованы благотворительной или коммерческой организацией об их коммуникативной задаче. Затем у вас будет 24 часа, чтобы создать выдающуюся, увлекательную и уникальную печатную рекламу. Мы ищем идею, которая бросается в глаза и захватывает аудиторию, мотивируя и продвигая ее к делу. Ваша работа будет оцениваться несколькими отраслевыми экспертами, прежде чем победитель будет объявлен.
Кто может участвовать в конкурсе
  • Арт-директоры/Дизайнеры/Копирайтеры с опытом работы от 2 лет
  • Специалисты с полной занятостью и фрилансеры в возрасте 30 лет и младше (на 22 июня 2024)
График проведения конкурса
График проведения конкурса в категории Print:
  • Регистрация команд - с 1 января по 21 февраля 2024
  • Конкурс - с 23 по 24 февраля 2024
  • Работа жюри - с 28 февраля по 16 марта 2024
  • Награждение - 22 марта 2024
  • Получение шенгенской визы - с 25 марта 2024 (только для финалистов из Казахстана)
  • Глобальный конкурс Young Lions Print Competition в городе Канны, Франция - с 17 по 22 июня 2024 (только для финалистов из Казахстана)
- 1 января, понедельник, 00-00 GMT+6
Открытие регистрации команд в каждой категории. Участники должны соответствовать критериям участия в конкурсе Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024 (опубликованы на странице каждой категории)

- 21 февраля, среда, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание регистрации команд

- 22 февраля, четверг
Объявление об общем количестве зарегистрированных команд / смена категорий по желанию участников

- 23 февраля, пятница 20-00 GMT+6
Старт конкурса для категории PRINT - Zoom сессия с участниками, представление брифа, ответы и вопросы (ссылка будет отправлена на электронные адреса зарегистрированных команд)

- 24 февраля, суббота, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание приема работ участников категории PRINT

- С 28 февраля по 16 марта
Работа жюри

- 22 марта, 19-00 GMT+6
Церемония награждения конкурса Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024
Выберите свою страну для регистрации в категории Print
Категория Print
Некоторые из созданных работ
Rotary Almaty
Бриф 2012 года ставил задачей донести смысл призыва от благотворительного фонда Rotary Almaty к автовладельцам Алматы перейти на газовое топливо
Посади Дерево
В 2013 году задача от экологического фонда "Посади дерево" заключалась в донесении смысла особой утилизации ламп дневного света
В 2014 году необходимо было создать рекламное сообщение, которое убедит креаторов, эккаунт менеджеров и стратегов задуматься о том, чтобы перейти на работу медиапланера в Штаб-Медиа. Креаторы работали над тем, чтобы убедить самих себя.
Пиво Bavaria
В 2015 году задача заключалась в создании рекламного сообщения о том, что традиционное пиво Bavaria производится по старому семейному рецепту уже 300 лет.
Пиво Saphir
В 2016 году необходимо было помочь крафтовому пиву Saphir подчеркнуть его изысканность и идеальное сочетание с мясом.
В 2017 году креаторы работали над донесением сообщения о быстроте оформления кредита только по одному удостоверению гражданина РК.
В 2022 году глобальные Молодые Львы работали над донесением сообщения в поддержку кампании ЮНЕСКО «Я антирасист», чтобы поощрить участие молодежи (от 15 до 25 лет).
Ключевое сообщение: Мы все можем оказать огромное влияние и изменить общество, активно выступая против расизма в своей повседневной жизни.
В 2022 году глобальные Молодые Львы работали над донесением сообщения в поддержку кампании ЮНЕСКО «Я антирасист», чтобы поощрить участие молодежи (от 15 до 25 лет).
Ключевое сообщение: Мы все можем оказать огромное влияние и изменить общество, активно выступая против расизма в своей повседневной жизни.
Print Жюри 2024 года
  • Артем Филимонов
    Креативный директор
    Cheil Germany
    Креативный директор, сценарист и арт-директор с более чем 15-летним опытом работы, создающий бренд-коммуникации на стыке искусства, юмора, технологий, экологии и видеоигр.

    В настоящее время он работает во Франкфурте-на-Майне, Германия. Однако последние 7 лет он возглавлял креативную команду в la red Berlin и Wunderman Thompson Moscow (POSSIBLE, Hungry Boys, Grape), разработал десятки рекламных кампаний.

    Запускал кампании для Samsung, Yandex Music, Yandex Plus, Yandex Food, Delivery Club, KINOpoisk, Kaspersky, Bonduelle, LENTA Retail, X5 Retail, Carlsberg, PepsiCo, Jägermeister, Bayer, GARAGE Museum, WWF, Greenpeace, United Nations, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ford Motor Company, Mafin Insurance, Schwarzkopf, десятков местных строительных компаний и стартапов.

    Его работы отмечены наградами многих международных фестивалей, таких как Cannes Lions, One Show, Red Dot Awards (Grand Prix), Webby, FWA, Effie Awards, ADCR, ADC*E, Ad Black Sea, Red Apple, Golden Drum, G8, White Square, Epica.

    Бывший председатель Клуба арт-директоров России. Член жюри многочисленных фестивалей в Восточной Европе, Центральной Азии, США.
    Автор курсов "How to create ideas in the post-digital era" и "VR/AR in real life" в M-A-C-S (British High School of Art & Design).

  • Вероника Маликова
    Ведущий коммуникационный стратег
    РА Восход
    Россия, Казахстан
    С 2008 в маркетинге, c 2013 года в стратегии, с 2018 года работает в РА Восход - лидере креативного рынка России. Разработала несколько сотен кампаний для таких брендов как Nestle, PepsiCo, Volkswagen, Reckitt Benckiser, Yandex Music, Мегафон, Билайн, Альфа-Банк.
    Большой опыт работы на рынках Средней Азии: Forte Bank, Jusan, Альфа Банк Казахстан.

    Обладательница наград Cannes Lions (short-list), Effie, Red Apple, ADCE, Белый квадрат и других.
  • Juan Pablo Valencia
    Креативный директор и советник
    TBWA\Central Asia & Caucasus
    20-летний профессиональный опыт Хуан Пабло включает работу Арт-директором, Руководителем креативной группы, Креативным директором, Исполнительным креативным директором, Региональным креативным директором и советником в Чили, России, Центральной Азии и на Кавказе.

    Среди 200 наград и упоминаний международными фестивалями: Clio Healthcare, Epica Awards, Golden Drum, AD Stars, Creativity Awards, PIAF, Red Apple, Golden Hammer, KIAF, AD Black Sea, White Square, IDEA, Popok, ADCR, Red Jolbors, Best of Central Asia & Caucasus, Cannes Lions Press National Diploma.

    В 2018 году Хуан Пабло поднялся на первую строчку креативного рейтинга BESTADSONTV.com, а в 2023 году занял второе место.

    Хуан Пабло стал самым награждаемым креативным директором в Центральной Азии. Его работы многократно публиковались в рекламных изданиях: Luerzer's Archive (17 раз), Communication Arts, Epica Book, Epica Brand Tribute (Samsung), Creativity Annual Awards и других.

    На сегодня он занимает десятое место как копирайтер и тридцатое как арт-директор в мировом рейтинге престижного журнала Luerzer's Archive.

    Хуан Пабло активно работал в жюри фестивалей и конкурсов: D&AD New Blood, The One Show, CLIO Awards, 2x LIA Awards, New York Festivals, AD Stars, 2x Golden Drum, Cresta Awards, Lisbon AD, The Caples, The Shorty Awards, Creativity Awards, PHNX Tribute, The Webby Awards, The Bowery Awards, SeeHer Lens, WINA, Saniss Awards, Mobius Awards, Luum Awards, Care Awards, Red Apple, White Square, KIAF, AD Black Sea, Popok, MADS, One Eyeland Photography, Red Jolbors, Young Lions Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan.
  • Igor Miletić
    Креативный директор
    MullenLowe & Friends
    За 20 лет карьеры в рекламной индустрии Игорь работал с большим количеством международных и местных клиентов: Japan Tobacco International, Coca-Cola, Unilever, State Lotery of Serbia, Phoenix group, FEST, Electrolux group, Deloitte, Johnson & Johnson, Molson Coors, InBev, Henkel, Bramac, MOL, Sberbank, NURDOR, Komercijalna banka, FIBA, Telekom Srbija, Mt:s, K-district, Societe Generale, Mg Mivela, VOX, Rubin и др.

    Несколько раз получал награду UEPS за лучшую кампанию года. Номинирован на звание "Революционер года" от FESPA. Член жюри Red Apple 2022 и 2023 годов. Соавтор двух книг: "Путешествие Сербии сквозь века" и "Вид из Дорчола".
Print (OOH) работы 2024 года
Созданные за 24 часа по брифу: как напомнить казахстанцам, что они могут повлиять на снижение коррупции в своем городе.

“That's filthy”

Corruption in Kazakhstan has been going on for years.It has already become part of societ and culture. Bribery is something that is perceived as a norm from generation to generation. It is the first thing people think about when they face life's challenges.

Situation: you're in the hospital and being operated on by a surgeon with a bought diploma. Scary.
Situation: you honestly went all the stages of the interview, but they hired an acquaintance of the head. Unpleasant.
Situation: you saw a fight at a party started by other people who have a lot of money, but your brother was jailed because he separated them. Dirty.

Corruption is dirty and we should wash it out.

“Gratitude must be legal”

In distant lands, talking about how much they missed each other.
But since then, corruption has been rampant in the country, and the envelope has become
a sign of “gratitude.” People carry envelopes in order to “thank” employees for their work.
But why should we pay to say thank you to them?
We want to bring back the old days and suggesting people to write the letters in the envelope from the bottom of their hearts: “Thank you! Your help is priceless!”, instead of putting the cash inside.
In other words, we say that gratitude must be legal!

“Raise the alarm”

Cultural context:
The envelope has become a symbol of corruption as a vessel that bribes
frequently use for exchange.
Security magnets are used in stores to prevent theft of valuable goods. In
Kazakhstan, locals colloquially call this device "ALARM". This term means
the alarm that is usually raised in an emergency situation.

Unfortunately, corruption is deeply rooted in the daily lives of the people of
Kazakhstan and is often treated with indifference. People in general tend
to treat corruption as an everyday occurrence; it does not resonate with
them emotionally. Society often ignores corruption and turns a blind
eye to it. This passive acceptance of corruption inadvertently creates an
environment conducive to its spread.

It is imperative to cultivate a collective awareness among the
population that corruption is not merely a norm but a grave offense
comparable to theft. Therefore, when faced with corruption, it is
important to loudly declare it, to “Raise the alarm.”

“5000 km of roads without corruption”

Cultural context:
The shirt pocket is a symbol of corruption as bribes often put their thief
money there. In addition, this style of clothing is associated with officials and
they can be the ones who use their position to gain benefits.
In the Russian language there is an idiom that stands for corruption: “To
pocket money.” Although the direct translation means just to put the
money in one's pocket, the true sense lies in the act of stealing.
The banknote of 5000 tenge takes central place in currency circulation,
emphasizing its significance in daily financial transactions.

Dry corruption statistics often helps to distract people from
understanding how serious the problem really is, making the numbers
incomprehensible and therefore meaningless in their mind. This means
that the real impact of corruption on a private life of an individual remains
Portraying corruption in a comparative manner, showing what could
have been done with stolen money can help people to realize how
quality of their life can improve if the level of corruption decreases. This will
motivate people to fight corruption.

“First move”

Cultural context:
The LightRailtransport (LRT) project in Astana stands as one of the most
notorious corruption cases in Kazakhstan. The $2 billion construction
project has made no progress, and almost two decades later, Astana is
adorned with concrete supports. Locals have dubbed these infamous
structures "The Monument to Kazakh Corruption."

Picture corruption as a chain of interconnected dominoes, each
representing a corrupt act, intricately linked to form a network of deceit.
Reporting corruption to the anti-corruption agency acts like a gentle blow
to the first domino, setting off a transformative chain reaction.
The act of reporting is the catalyst required to initiate a process that
dismantles the complex web of corruption in a country. Anyone can be
the first to start this chain reaction, contributing to the destruction of


Cultural context:
In Kazakhstan, every year we hear about big cases involving corruption in
the courts. Sadly, sometimes clear criminals, who have solid proof against
them, go free because they pay bribes to judges. Around 35% of people in
Kazakhstan think that over half of judges accept bribes.

Courts are supposed to stand for truth and fairness, but corruption messes
that up. Imagine a judge's honesty being sold like at an auction – whoever
pays the most gets the truth on their side. Because of this corruption,
around 1,500 court decisions each year in Kazakhstan are made by judges
who aren't being honest with the people.
It is important for people to remember that if they need truth and
protection, they would want an honest and independent judge. To do this,
we need to fight corruption on our own.

"Your truth"

Cultural context:
Since 2017, Kazakhstan has been taking new steps to fight corruption,
making it easier to uncover corrupt activities. More people are now aware
of corruption because of the increased attention to significant cases.
Currently, there's a slow decrease in corruption crimes in Kazakhstan
because of the government's efforts to be transparent and involve the
public in solving this issue.

Everyone can make a difference in reducing corruption in the country.
Some people think they can't do anything about it, but simply
reporting corrupt activities to the authorities can help society grow.
Every person's honesty matters in fight against corruption.

"A school meal"

Cultural context:
In Kazakhstan, there's talk about money meant for school meals getting
stolen. People working in education use corrupt schemes to take that
money for themselves. Because of this, schools have less money to buy
good food for students, and the meals end up being of poor quality and in
small portions.
Moms at home often ask their kids, "Did you have a good meal at school?"
Sadly, kids usually say no and complain about the school lunches.

Some think corruption doesn't touch them, but it can sneak into our lives,
even affecting children directly. Ignoring it lets corruption spread
everywhere. Remember, corruption impacts all parts of life. It's crucial to
shield not just yourself but also those around you from it.

"Money maker"

Cultural context:
Nursultan Nazarbayev was the first and longest-serving president of
Kazakhstan. Lately, there have been investigations about how Nazarbayev's
family gained from corrupt deals, making people in Kazakhstan very upset.
After big protests in January 2022, people openly started calling him "the
main corrupt official.

The face of the country's main corrupt official reminds us to learn about
making money. At first, we might think they'll teach us to steal from the
country's budget and break the law.
However, the QR code actually teaches us to make money not by
following the bad example of a corrupt official, but to fight this
phenomenon by making a profit for good deeds.

"Crime scene"

Cultural context:
The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the most widely used global
ranking of countries by level of corruption. According to research, in
Kazakhstan the majority of residents have a neutral attitude towards
corruption, without negative emotions.
Also, citizens of Kazakhstan are poorly aware of ways to report acts of

Everyone knows what to do if you witness a murder, steal or another crime
that we understand. People immediately come up with a logical and
simple chain: if you see a crime, call the police. But when it comes to
corruption, people often don't see it as a crime, so they don't take

"To-do list"

In Kazakhstan, corruption has become a common occurrence, permeating all spheres of
public life, and no one is surprised anymore that it has become part of daily routine.

Corruption has become so commonplace that citizens are more likely to adapt to the
situation rather than try to report the problem and eradicate it. Taking bribes is ordinary,
while reporting corruption, on the contrary, is not the most common solution.

To show that reporting corruption is something ordinary and simple in everyday life.

"A tear off ad"

In Kazakhstan, despite digitalization in all areas, there are still prejudices about the work of government agencies. This is because people most often encounter bureaucracy or complex processes.

One of the reasons why people don't report corruption is that they think it's a long and timeconsuming process. They are scared of potential paperwork or consequences. But in reality, all they need to do is to call the hotline number. It's easy and quick, just like tearing off a piece of the flyer.

Cultural Information:
Nowadays, LRT in Kazakhstan is the monument of corruption. More than 2.8 billion tenge was stolen from the national budget during the project. Ex-CEO of the LRT project has been put on an international wanted list in 2019. Now the first launch of the LRT is planned to be put into operation in 2025. By then, the project will be 20 years old.

People want to live in dignity and prosperity. But they tend to take opportunities to find loopholes in laws and achieve what they want more easily if they see them. Basically, people steal from themselves. With LRT, the monument of corruption, people remember all the filth that corruptioners did, not only for country, but also for citizens.

Most of the times corruption has the place to be, even on such simple banners. Whether it's the usual employer or the client, many people are dishonest in their work. Even if the banner is printed on cheap materials and cheap paint, it will only play into the hands of the banner. The quality will deteriorate and will show the attitude of corrupt officials to the cases.

"Fish head"

Cultural Information:
The statement «a fish rots from the head down» means that, in addition to being a major contributing factor in an organization's success, leadership is also the root cause of an organization's failure and demise. This is true whether that organization is a country, a company, or a sales force. To keep the fish from rotting, the head has to be smart enough to evaluate what it is doing or not. It has to make the necessary changes there first. Regardless of what the changes may be or of the pain that must accompany those changes.

Republic of Kazakhstan has a huge problem, the reason for it is that «the head» (i.e. government, president etc.) is bad and corrupted, and all the rest (citizens, political and economic situations) is just the result of it. A state employee who holds a high position is the head, one of the leaders of the nation. Therefore, we will show people that it is necessary to start little by little with the realization of the problem and its cause. The buck stops with you. It's not just about creating policies and mandates. It's about leading by example. The head doesn't just tell the body where to go, it goes there first.

"15 years"

Cultural information:
The last 6 months were tough for Kazakhstani people. There were lots of news spreading from the internet about corruption, violence and murder. All of these actions were made from ex-ministers and authority people. At this time, the most striking example is the case of ex-minister Kuandyk Bishimbayev. Earlier in 2017, he was accused of corruption. He was in prison only for 1.5 years out of 10 years. Now he is accused of particularly brutal murder of his wife. He hasn’t admitted his guilt. This case is still in progress.

People should realize that corruption is as much a crime as stealing, lying and even murder. But there are also cases when even a serious murder can be justified with just one bribe. That’s why we need to start talk about it, and stop the silent.

"Just a small push"

Cultural Context:
The problem of corruption in Kazakhstan is something that everyone is aware of. And the recent big case of corruption happened during the construction of the LRT in Astana, when many columns of the rail system were placed, however the construction was frozen and the investigation from the Anti-Corruption Agency took place. The leftover columns and the construction sites were named the “Monument to Corruption”.

Many years of corruption lead to a loss of hope for making a difference. People feel as if their actions don’t matter.

We are showing that even the smallest push can trigger the domino effect and make a huge difference in the long run, bringing back the lost hope for a change.

"20 mio witnesses"

Cultural context:
Recently the number of people in Kazakhstan hit the mark of 20 000 000 people.

Everybody knows about corruption, but not many take action, acting just as silent witnesses preferring to be a part of a crowd

By emphasizing the population of the country we are showing the scale of a problem – but a single person can start a trend and be different. With a loud headline we are provoking the sense of community and opening up an idea that corruption is
a problem of society, not just an individual. Only together we can stop the problem and set an example to everyone around us, taking actions in our own hands and stopping to be silent witnesses.

"Torn country"

Corruptions not only affects every single aspect of our lives, it tears the country apart as a whole

In a constant greedy need for money we slowly destroy our own country. By tearing the banknote from two sides we are showing that corruption is not an individual act – there’s always another party involved. And it could also be you.

"A stolen banner"

Many aspects of the infrastructure suffer from corruption – the budgets that were given for a specific structure are divided in parts, and some of them are taken by unscrupulous contractors.

We decided to use a blank, black banner to emphasize this sad occurrence in our world. This triggers annoyance at this factor and a desire to finally put this to an end.


Cultural information:
This is the national dice game (asyki). The goal is to knock other dice off the playing field. Who beat out the most — won.

Each person influences the outcome of a big corruption game.

"Bribe Juma"

Cultural context:
Juma — in Kazakhstan, in addition to the meaning of "Friday", means the installment period in local banks. Installments are a popular way to purchase goods and services. People become addicted to installments. These periods are actively advertised and "celebrated".

Solving your tasks with a bribe is becoming the an addiction and norm.


Cultural context:
One of the most popular phrases used by Kazakh people is “Намыс қайда? (Namys qaida?)”, which can be translated as “Where is your pride?” or “Where is your honor?”. You can see it in the comments section under a video with elderly people dancing enthusiastically at a wedding; you can hear it on the streets as a young lady minding your own business in a skirt. For some reason though it’s rarely used in really important matters such as corruption, so we’d like to change that.

Corruption has been rampant in Kazakhstan for so long that people have gradually accepted it as something inevitable and unavoidable. They don’t believe that they could make a difference and, in some ways, corruption is convenient for them as well. After all why shouldn’t they take advantage of a system widely exploited by those in power.
However, Kazakhstani people, more so kazakhs, are also quite prideful. So we decided to remind them of that with the very phrase they use to shame each other for minor infractions. Let’s remember what “Namys” is about – having principles and standing by them.


Cultural Context:
Kazakhstani people are inherently distrustful of authority figures and agencies working for the government, including Antikor. No matter what kind of messages they sent out or how many arrests they report, all they get in return is mockery online. The fact is people are not willing to risk their safety or even their time to help government agents.

Given the cultural context, it makes more sense to highlight a tangible reward instead of a vague promise for a better future without corruption. Many people are desperate for money. According to the statistics, Kazakhstani citizens spent almost half of their salary (49,4%) just to feed themselves. So we decided to remind them that their help will be appreciated and compensated fairly, which is not only a positive message, but also more believable than a corruption-free country.


Cultural context:
Tör is an honorary place in the yurt, located opposite the entrance, behind the table. In
Kazakh culture, tör symbolizes the power of the person sitting at the head of the dastarkhan.
Dastarkhan is a table with dishes.
Törge otyrğyzu is a custom of the Kazakh people, when the most respected person is seated in the most honorable place. In the past, ranks such as sultans and old sages, and now officials such as deputy and mayor sit there.
In Kazakhstan, there is a culture of flattering the officials. We are obliged to give them the
best place, the best meat, worship them, indulge and respect them. In fact, these corrupt
officials steal money from ordinary people who sit with them at the same table. And they feel like all-powerful masters. Maybe we are tired of this?

The table reflects the country. You can assess a country not only by the food on the table,
but also by who is sitting at the head of the table.
To dethrone the corrupt officials, we first need to stop respecting them. By seating a corrupt mayor at the tör, we praise and encourage his behavior, setting him as an example for children.
For us, he didn't "steal", but "managed to break through", he didn't "engage in corrupt deals", but "solved the problem". As a result, those who steal our money are sitting at the head of our tables.

“Wash it away”

People do not feel the obligation and importance of reporting corruption. However, for
example, they accept the rules of the game when it comes to the cleanliness of public areas: they clean up the litter on the streets, adhere to basic hygiene requirements in public restrooms. Everyone wants to live in cleanliness.
We want to convey that fighting corruption is as much a duty as maintaining cleanliness in our common home — cityname. Press the green button to maintain cleanliness. Because
corruption is sh*t.


Cultural context:
For Kazakhstanis, corruption is associated with roads. In Kazakhstan, they are terrible.
Tenders for road repairs are often "played out". Roads are repaired, dug up, but potholes
appear after a few months. Poor quality roads are an indicator of corruption in Kazakhstan.

There is no country where corruption does not exist. Corruption cannot be eradicated. It is
such a large and unbeatable enemy that Kazakhstanis surrender to it. But our goal is not to eradicate corruption, but to make our lives even just a little bit better.
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Информационные партнеры конкурса
Tribune - веб-cайт, созданный Центрально-Азиатской Рекламной Ассоциацией и посвящен рекламе, маркетингу и PR в Казахстане и странах Центральной Азии
PR Drive – отраслевой онлайн-журнал о пиар и коммуникациях в Казахстане
PR.UZ - издание об индустрии рекламы, пиара и маркетинга в Узбекистане.
Маркетинговая ассоциация Узбекистана – крупнейшее профессиональное сообщество Центральной Азии.
Создано в декабре 2016 года. Сегодня Ассоциация – это более 120 компаний партнеров и более 100 экспертов в области маркетинга.
Организатор конкурса

Школа Креативной Смелости Асхата Ускембаева

- Тренинговая компания, работающая с рекламодателями, коммуникационными агентствами, ВУЗами в Казахстане, России, странах Центральной Азии, СНГ и Восточной Европы.
- Эксклюзивный официальный представитель Международного Фестиваля Креативности Каннские Львы в Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Узбекистане, включая крупнейшие региональные фестивали креативности Spikes Asia, eurobest, Dubai Lynx, AMES.
- Издатель книги "Аргумент в пользу креативности".
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