
Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Узбекистан

Young Lions DIGITAL Competition

Пришло время создать цифровую кампанию, которая использует как платформу, так и технологии, лежащие в ее основе, всего за 24 часа. Покажите свои навыки и таланты всей индустрии креативных коммуникаций.
Как это работает
  • Проверяете на соответствие требованиям конкурса в своей стране (возраст, опыт и количество участников)
  • Регистрируетесь в конкурсе (анкета и взнос)
  • Получаете бриф и создаете работу за 24 часа
  • Выигрываете конкурс (или нет)
  • Если выиграли конкурс в своей стране, то участвуете в финале конкурса на Международном Фестивале Креативности Каннские Львы с 17 по 22 июня 2024 года (кроме победителей в Казахстане).
Вы будете забрифованы благотворительной или коммерческой организацией об их коммуникативной задаче. Затем у вас есть всего 24 часа, чтобы придумать креативную идею и объяснить, как ваше цифровое решение использует минимум три социальные платформы новыми и интересными способами для продвижения бренда. Ваша работа будет оцениваться несколькими отраслевыми экспертами, прежде чем будет объявлен победитель.
Кто может участвовать в конкурсе
  • Менеджеры социальных сетей/Креативные технологи/UX-дизайнеры/Цифровые продюсеры/Цифровые дизайнеры с опытом работы от 2 лет
  • Специалисты с полной занятостью и фрилансеры в возрасте 30 лет и младше (на 22 июня 2024)
График проведения конкурса
График проведения конкурса в категории Digital:
  • Регистрация команд - с 1 января по 21 февраля 2024
  • Конкурс - с 23 по 24 февраля 2024
  • Работа жюри - с 28 февраля по 16 марта 2024
  • Награждение - 22 марта 2024
  • Получение шенгенской визы - с 25 марта 2024
  • Глобальный конкурс Young Lions Digital Competition в городе Канны, Франция - с 17 по 22 июня 2024 (только для финалистов из Узбекистана и Кыргызстана)
- 1 января, понедельник, 00-00 GMT+6
Открытие регистрации команд в каждой категории. Участники должны соответствовать критериям участия в конкурсе Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024 (опубликованы на странице каждой категории)

- 21 февраля, среда, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание регистрации команд

- 22 февраля, четверг
Объявление об общем количестве зарегистрированных команд / смена категорий по желанию участников

- 23 февраля, пятница 17-00 GMT+6
Старт конкурса для категории DIGITAL - Zoom сессия с участниками, представление брифа, ответы и вопросы (ссылка будет отправлена на электронные адреса зарегистрированных команд)

- 24 февраля, суббота, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание приема работ участников категории DIGITAL

- С 28 февраля по 16 марта
Работа жюри

- 22 марта, 19-00 GMT+6
Церемония награждения конкурса Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024
Выберите свою страну для регистрации в категории Digital
Категория Digital
Некоторые из созданных работ
Фонд Eurasia Central Asia Kazakhstan
Бриф 2020 года поставил задачу по привлечению внимания казахстанцев к проблеме недостаточной доступности городской инфраструктуры для инвалидов и принять участие в развитии интерактивной карты с отметками доступных для них точек и пока недоступных.
Общественный Фонд "КотоПёс"
Перед участниками конкурса в 2022 году стояла задача привлечь внимание общественности к проблеме перенаселенности общественного фонда "КотоПёс" и убедить людей разобрать пушистых питомцев по домам.
Unstereotype Alliance
В 2022 году на глобальных Молодых Львах платформа Unstereotype Alliance поставила задачу "Вдохновить 18-30 летних людей в Бразилии, ЮАР, Турции, Великобритании и США на долгосрочные действия в борьбе против стереотипов. «Ничего не говори, ничего не меняй» ключевое сообщение, которое следует подчеркивать на всех этапах кампании, чтобы побудить людей стать борцами со стереотипами, а не пассивными наблюдателями".
Unstereotype Alliance
В 2022 году на глобальных Молодых Львах платформа Unstereotype Alliance поставила задачу "Вдохновить 18-30 летних людей в Бразилии, ЮАР, Турции, Великобритании и США на долгосрочные действия в борьбе против стереотипов. «Ничего не говори, ничего не меняй» ключевое сообщение, которое следует подчеркивать на всех этапах кампании, чтобы побудить людей стать борцами со стереотипами, а не пассивными наблюдателями".
Digital Жюри 2024 года
  • Илья Андреев
    Исполнительный креативный директор Cheil Russia, состоит в Global Creative Council Cheil Worldwide.
    Родился и сделал первые шаги в рекламной индустрии в Минске.

    В 2010 году присоединился к Proximity Russia, часть BBDO Group, где в 2012 году помог агентству и группе выиграть первого в своей истории льва, в 2016 году возглавил Proximity как креативный директор.

    В 2018 перешел в Cheil, где одним из главных его фокусов стала работа над всеми формами маркетинговой коммуникации для Samsung. Под руководством Ильи, Cheil впервые достиг высших строчек индустриальных рейтингов страны, став диджитал-агентством №1 и креативным агентством №3 по версии АКАР.

    Обладатель десятков индустриальных наград, включая Cannes Lions, Red Dot, Golden Drum, Red Apple, White Square, ADCR.

    Принимал участие в работе жюри The One Show, Red Apple, ADCR, White Square.
  • Shreyas Sathe
    Управляющий директор и соучредитель Hybrid INSEA.
    Германия / Индия
    Работал около 9 лет в индустрии AdTech во Франции, Германии и Индии. Сейчас он управляет операционными процессами в Индии и Юго-Восточной Азии. Shreyas отвечает за создание и осуществление стратегий роста и развитие 4 стран в регионе. Он разрабатывает планы вывода продуктов на новые рынки. 
    Ключевые клиенты: GroupM, Dentsu, Publicis, Efficacy Worldwide, Carat, Madison.
  • Влад Ситников
    Партнер в GRAPE
    Основатель #безтендера
    Влад работал в составе жюри на One Show, Нью-Йоркских фестивалях, ADC Europe, Epica Awards, Webby Awards, Киевском международном фестивале рекламы. WINE, Red Apple, Effie Russia, AD STARS, White Square и ADCRussia.

    Влад активно изучает российский рекламный рынок и в качестве спикера принял участие более чем в 100 конференциях по всей стране. Он организовал конференцию Digital Transformation in Russia и конференцию Disrupt Marketing. Преподаватель Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики", Университета "Сколково", Школы креативного мышления IKRA, Британской высшей школы искусства и дизайна.

    В январе 2018 года Влад был назван академиком Академии российской рекламы Российской ассоциацией коммуникационных агентств.

    В 2023 году Влад создал площадку #безтендера
  • Артур Ахметов
    Управляющий и креативный директор
    TWIGA Interactive
    Экс-бренд и креативный директор Яндекса (Яндекс Маркет). За плечами более 15 наград (Effie, Silver Mercury, Red Apple, Golden Drum, Bema, Taglineи др.).
    Среди клиентов - Tele2, AVITO, Самолет, Яндекс, Beeline, Megafon, Heineken, Clarins, Coca Cola, Ferrero, Nestle, Total, BAT, PepsiCo, НСПК МИР и др.
Digital работы 2024 года
Созданные по брифу 42courses за 24 часа: как привлечь профессионалов в маркетинге и креативных коммуникациях к нашему образовательному ресурсу.

AI tool that calculates the possibility of winning the Cannes Lion

«It could’ve been a Lion» is a digital campaign that provides creators with a platform to check if their ideas have or had the potential to win a Cannes Lion.

Almost every creative and marketer came across the fact that some of their projects were never implemented and remained as concepts.
This could happen for various reasons: the project was left «on hold» or the manager did not believe in the idea.
Eventually, every creative has his or her own cemetery of «festival-worthy» ideas.

Creatives will have an opportunity to test if their idea would have won or has the potential to win a Cannes Lion via «Lion probability» tool on the 42 courses website.

AI assistant Deep Thought will analyze it and share probability and feedback with creator, and eventually convince marketers of the creative effectiveness of unbought ideas.

Also it will recommend creators to take an «Advertising 101» course to increase their probability to win a Lion in the future.

The campaign will start with web banners featuring the «Lion probability» tool on professional resources for creators (Telegram channels, adsoftheworld) and brand managers (Tribune.kz, Adasia, VC, Sostav).


1) 42 courses have an AI assistant Deep Thought. We will teach it to analyze the probability of winning based on existing work and research.
2) Creators will have to drop their idea, category and brand that it was created for. They could also choose a year of the festival to check the idea’s potential.
3) Deep Thought will share the probability, feedback and suggest to take «Advertising 101».
4) Creators could share their results on professional social media and download the probability in PPT format to incorporate it into a presentation deck for marketers.

Our campaign, "Transform AI fear into Cannes cheer," is a bold initiative designed to address the creative community's growing apprehension about AI overshadowing human creativity. With striking digital banners placed on leading industry platforms like AdWeek and Ads of the World, we challenge creatives to reassess their unique value and irreplaceability in an evolving technological landscape. This campaign is more than a conversation starter; it's a definitive call to action, encouraging creatives to unlock their full potential through the "Advertising 101" course provided by 42courses.

Main insight:
The creative sphere is buzzing with unease as AI technology advances, sparking fears of redundancy and questioning the future role of human creativity. This underlying anxiety forms the core issue our audience faces: the existential threat of becoming obsolete in their own industry. It's a challenge that strikes at the heart of every creative professional's identity and sense of purpose.

Our solution:
To counter this, our solution is twofold: First, we offer an engaging and interactive test that not only assesses creative potential but also highlights specific areas for improvement, making the experience both introspective and actionable. Second, we introduce the "Advertising 101" course as a concrete step towards mastery in creativity, ensuring that participants not only stay relevant but excel in their field. This course promises to arm creatives with the knowledge and skills necessary to win the prestigious Cannes Lion, symbolizing their triumph over AI and securing their indispensable status in the industry.

How it works:
Our campaign begins with striking digital banners on top creative sites, capturing creatives' attention. Clicking these banners reveals an interactive test that evaluates creativity levels and identifies improvement areas, subtly spotlighting AI's challenge. This serves as a reminder that in an AI-dominated landscape, ongoing skill enhancement is essential.
The next step? Encouragement to take "Advertising 101," presented as the ultimate way to boost creative skills beyond AI's reach.
Test completion grants access to an exclusive Telegram group, a bonus for sharing ideas, networking, and support, thereby enriching the community and learning journey.
This streamlined campaign not only confronts AI apprehensions but also motivates creatives towards Cannes Lions success with "Advertising 101."

The "Make It Real" campaign is designed to inspire creative professionals and brand managers in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to reach new heights in advertising and marketing. Utilizing modern digital tools such as AR filters on Instagram and targeted advertising, we offer a unique experience of visualizing success by having the opportunity to "hold" a virtual Cannes Lions glory in one's hands. This not only raises awareness about the Advertising 101 course by 42courses but also motivates action, emphasizing that success is fully achievable with the right knowledge and effort. The campaign aims to break stereotypes and instill confidence in the creative community of Central Asia.

Our insight:
Creative professionals and marketers in Central Asia face a lack of international recognition, which breeds doubt in their abilities and potential. Utilizing AR technology to virtually "own" a Cannes Lion award addresses this issue, turning it into motivation to act. Presenting the award, usually perceived as unattainable, in an interactive and accessible format, helps overcome psychological barriers and inspires learning and skill development. This approach is aimed at awakening belief in oneself and one’s ideas, motivating the audience to realize that international acclaim is entirely achievable with the correct knowledge and skills.

Our solution:
The choice of Instagram as the platform for launching the AR filter and targeted advertising is dictated by its popularity among the creative community and its capabilities for success visualization. Instagram is ideal for launching innovative campaigns, thanks to its widespread reach among the target audience and the ability to create engaging content. The use of QR codes on posters in coworking spaces and creative venues increases reach and facilitates direct interaction with the content, providing instant access to the AR filter and course information.

The "Make It Real" campaign launches with QR-coded posters leading to an Instagram AR filter for a virtual Cannes Lion experience, sparking interest in the Advertising 101 course. This visual engagement, complemented by targeted Instagram ads, motivates participants towards achieving professional success and course enrollment.
Strategically placed posters in coworking spaces target an audience eager for professional growth, directing them via AR interaction to actionable steps. Targeted social media ads extend reach beyond physical locations, highlighting the course's potential to unlock creative achievements.
This campaign addresses the gap in international recognition for Central Asian creatives by offering educational pathways to skill enhancement and innovation, motivating participants towards actionable goals for professional development.

First Ad Game in KZ

Introducing the first game for advertisers that playfully shows the importance of education and exposure. But what's crucial – it helps evolving the community of professionals that love the ad. Community, exposure, and knowledge of the basics are the keys to the first Lion in Kazakhstan!
It resembles popular group games like Kahoot, Quiz Please but questions are based on advertising theory. If you know the answers, you'll win. And if not, no stress – you can catch up with the leaders by taking the “Advertising 101” course.
The game boasts multiple levels of difficulty and various formats. Questions are drawn from the platform's course materials and the Cannes Lions case database. We make extensive use of the 42 courses’ Deep Thought AI, schooled in advertising theory. Participants need to correctly answer quiz questions, solve creative challenges, and crack Cannes cases.

The creative community in KZ is facing a crisis.
We're desperately lacking a sense of unity and reasons to gather together, as we used to. Around the world, people organize Cannes Predictions, watch the Superbowl, and attend countless festivals and workshops. We haven't had any of that for a long time.
Without gatherings, there's no community. You can’t network, exchange experiences, learn, inspire and get inspired with wild dreams like bringing home Kazakhstan's first Lion. To you, the Lions remain something from another world.
It seems that the essence of the Kazakh advertising industry is reduced to poor Instagram ads and low-quality courses that attract people who couldn't care less about advertising.

We'll give the market a reason to come together – by creating the first game for advertisers in Kazakhstan. 42courses positions itself as fun education – our solution is inspired by this approach.
Participate in events, train in between, climb the ranks, earn rewards as status emojis on Telegram and feel part of a large community of those who love ads – Adheads!
To draw attention to the game, we'll use reaching channels – the Tribune.kz resource, LinkedIn, and professional chats on Telegram (the most popular messenger in the industry).

How does it work?
Our tools will guide users towards consideration and purchase.
1. Game Website
You can gather with colleagues or dive into the game with the whole professional crowd, just like at "Quiz Please!" Scan a QR code to join the game. Between rounds, feedback appears – the site provides a link to Advertising 101 course for those who answered incorrectly.
2. Personal Coach
In Telegram, Deep Thought connects to a chatbot. It sends daily questions and challenges and, based on your responses, recommends suitable courses, including Advertising 101.
3. Team Coach
The bot can also connect to chats – you can play a mini-round with colleagues and test your knowledge.
4. Emoji Statuses in Telegram
Tournament winners receive awards – mini versions of real creative awards. Displayed as statuses in the profile, they signify that the person is "one of us" and knows their stuff in advertising.

Campaign Summary:
We decided to create the AI Person, who will help win the first Cannes Lion. His name is aiDos (Dos means "friend" in Kazakh) and he is the best friend of the creative. It has uploaded data on all significant works from the Cannes Lions and it can evaluate the work of the creators close to the judges of the festival.

Kazakhstani creativity lacks global integration and creators have little opportunity to get objective feedback about their work. And we will give them this opportunity.

aiDos is Kazakhstan's hope to win the Cannes Lions. This is an AI based on Chat GPT-4 Turbo, it is trained on the basis of 42courses courses and data on all significant works from the Cannes Film Festival and their ratings are loaded into it. Based on these data, he forms an understanding of how festival works are evaluated.

How does it work?
We will upload data on all the winners of the Cannes Lions to the bot, as well as our 101Advertising course.

We will send free invitations with access to the bot to all creators and agencies from countries that have never won the Cannes Lion

We will publish information about this on our social network. Any creator from a country that has not previously won the Cannes Lion can register and use the bot. (The process requires country verification)

Creators and agencies can practice and evaluate their work through this bot and check their ideas even before the presentation stage to the client and filter out the least creative works.

The bot, after each evaluation of the creators' work, will recommend the 101Advertising course, which he himself studied.


Nowadays, creators in Kazakhstan don’t seem to strive to show their work in a global arena. Creative professionals believe that awards have no practical value or are sure that Kazakhstani’s performance level is no match for global competition.
As a result, Kazakhstan shows low participation in festivals and does not strive to level up to international industry practices.

The best way to inspire action is to get motivated. The best way to get motivated is to see the reward at the end of the road. We’ll show this reward to our creators up close… After a little challenge, that is.

Most of our target audience work a standard 40 hours, 5 business days a week which can be quite challenging and exhausting. After a 9 to 5, we all want to take a break and relax. But we feel baWe have developed an app called Lion Hunt that aims to inspire Kazakhstani creators to showcase their work globally. The app offers five different scenarios based on the stories of Cannes Festival winners. Each scenario allows players to make decisions and influence the plot, leading to a desired reward. At every step, players will gain new skills and knowledge powered by Deep Thought, 42courses AI assistant.

We promote Lion Hunt mainly on social media, using marketing influencers and Instagram Ads to communicate with creators. The app emphasizes two main points: awards indicate professional skills and require hard work, and every award is achievable with small steps.

At the end of each story, creators receive an award and are encouraged to pursue Advertising101. They will travel to 42courses to learn more about the possibilities. With Lion Hunt, we aim to motivate and inspire Kazakhstani creators to aim for global recognition.d about wasting our time on games, so we strive to choose entertainment that also provides educational content.

Lion Hunt is a role-playing game that allows you to experience the real stories of the winners of the Cannes Festival. Players will be able to complete 5 different scenarios based on the stories of real winners. Each scenario allows players to make decisions and influence the plot. As you might guess, each story leads to a desired reward, unless the player is giving up completely and starts over. After the Lion is obtained, the game congratulates the player for getting the first Lion in Kazakhstan and how to make it true by getting a Advertising101.

In every step of the journey, players along with their digital «winners» will gain new skills and knowledge powered by Deep Thought, 42courses AI assistant. You may think of our app as a master class by Cannes Lions winners themselves.

We promote Lion Hunt mostly on social media, where creators spend most of their time, looking for trends and fresh ideas.
Marketing influencers and Instagram Ads are used as
main channels to communicate with creators.

Creators get to play one of the five scenarios while getting
marketing tips from Deep Thought. Every scenario articulates
two main points of the campaign:
1) Awards indicate level of professional skills and take lots of work.
2) Every award is achievable as you get to see that it
always starts small.

At the end of the story creators got the award and offered to take this journey into his careers with Advertising101. They travel to 42courses to learn more about possibilities.
Game is over – let’s get to work!

Сreators in Kazakhstan often get frustrated by showing their work to a global community. They might believe that getting the skills that required to win Cannes Lion is near to impossible. what leads to a massive frustration that stops them from even to try.

Any job can be tough, so we often think about a good vacation abroad, where we can truly relax. Seeing Ads of tours to Europe or Dubai always puts as in a dreamy mood. And if we see a good deal – that sure does grab our attention.

We offer an SMM communication strategy called «Fly to Cannes for just 80 000 tenge» (exact cost of Advertising101 without subscription). We share visuals in Ads, promote our «tour» by influence marketing and partnership posts in most popular social media blogs linked to marketing and creativity.

For this campaign we chose Instagram as it’s the most popular social media platform across creators and marketing specialists. Although, this campaign can be implemented in other social media as well.

We share key visuals of our campaign all over Instagram as Ads, partnership content, and native content in influencers’ accounts.

Promotion leads to an Instagram page made especially for the campaign, full of vacation/air travel-styled content related to creative marketing and winning the Cannes Lions award. Here we connect people to the community and create strong communication in a fun,
engaging way.

Through many interactions via Instagram creators learn about Advertising101 course and 42courses way of doing things.

Constant positive interactions will inspire young professionals so that over time they’ll become more confident about inviting international creative methods into their work. Over time they will be ready to tap a link and travel to 42courses to continue their journey.


“Let’s save The Cannes Lion”

The Cannes Lions is a coveted award for most creators in Kazakhstan. In the short time of the creative industry's development, there have been several instances where local talents almost brought the 'Lion' home, but the trophy remained unclaimed. Why? Unfortunately, the creative industry is far from being a priority here; it is limited to a couple of organizations initiated to showcase how talented Kazakhstani creators are. They just need to improve their skills and realize that the Cannes Lions are much closer than they think. 42courses is ready to help and provide the necessary knowledge to achieve this and many other creative awards

In Kazakhstan, there is acute concern about the problem of disappearing animals such as the snow leopard, Pallas's cat, and tigers. To address this issue, a government document has been created, known as the Red Book, which catalogs all rare species of fauna. But what if another animal were to be added to this list? Our campaign is aimed at the conservation of one of the rarest animals in the country—the Cannes Lion. The extensive Digital PR campaign, "Save the Cannes Lion," is designed to attract the attention of young creators. By undergoing training with 42courses, they can acquire the necessary skills to achieve creative awards.

During the campaign, we will transform the main page of the canneslions.today website (the official Cannes Lions website in Kazakhstan) into a landing page with information on how to save the Cannes Lion. Yes, just like WWF! Interested users will be able to learn about the history of this rare "animal" and discover a solution on how to save it. The main message, which will be the "red thread" running through the entire storytelling on the website, will convey the idea that the user themselves could be the Cannes Lion. All they need to do is click the "Save the Cannes Lion" button, which will redirect them to the 42courses website and the "Advertising 101" course.

1. A series of articles in the media with attention-grabbing headlines like "Another Animal Added to Kazakhstan's Red Book" and "Another Rare Species Captured on Camera in Kazakhstan."
2. Influencer marketing with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) urging people to save the "Cannes Lion" by visiting the canneslions.today website.
3. Spreading information through popular messaging apps in Kazakhstan.

Bonus: We can produce an inspiring video with a parody of social media videos about the disappearing Cannes Lion. The protagonists will be young creators, freelancers, and agency workers.



The cherished dream of a creator is to win the Golden Cannes Lion at a major advertising festival. However, in pursuit of the award, many forget that advertising is not just a challenge, but a powerful tool that, beyond commercial gain, can make the world a better place.

To demonstrate that advertising is more than just an award at a festival, we will gather social advertising cases that have not received any creative awards but have made the world better place.

We will place a series of posters on digital banners with partially obscured messages. To view the message in its entirety, users need to scan the QR code and, using AR technology, they will see the full message. For example: Advertising campaign "Mission Impossible" 0 advertising awards. After scanning the QR code, the second part of the banner appears: "3 million liters of water for developing countries."

Additionally, along with the augmented part of the banner on the phone screen, users will see a button "make the world better place», which leads to the 42courses website.

On social media, we will launch the #goldenlionshearts challenge. Within this challenge, people can share their ideas and use a special hashtag, while social and commercial organizations can help implement one of these ideas.

For additional promotion, we will launch a series of publications in the media titled "The Most Successful Unsuccessful Advertising Cases."
Additionally, we will launch digital versions of interactive banners in context-media advertising and on YouTube.


“How I met my Lion”

In an era of information overload, standing out in the educational services market is no small feat. The Cannes Lions Festival is every creative's dream, and online dating platforms like Tinder unexpectedly emerge as marketing niches. Couse almost 10% of Kazakhstan’s population using dating apps. Hidden among Tinder's wide audience are potential participants for creativity enhancement courses — all that's needed is the right approach.

We propose leveraging Tinder not merely as a dating platform but as a tool for promoting
creativity courses and preparation for the Cannes Lions. By creating profiles with appealing photos of lecturers and creative course descriptions, we offer an innovative way to reach the hearts and minds of the creative audience where they least expect advertising.

How it works
We'll create captivating course profiles on Tinder, utilizing filters for targeting interests related to creativity. After matching, we'll offer interested users a link to the course website. This approach not only stands out but also allows for direct engagement with potential clients, increasing their interest and involvement.

The key channel is Tinder — unconventional and memorable. We'll complement this with activities on social networks: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, sharing about the courses, participant testimonials, and works. We'll organize webinars and masterclasses with creative communities. This mix of channels will amplify interest in the courses and help build trust with the audience.


"Do or Die"

Campaign summary
Why does everyone thrive to win Cannes Lions? Because it is something exceptional, something that proves that you are worth something, that your career was not useless.
Spending decades in a creative industry and leaving it with zero amount of Lions means that you are kinda buried without even a tombstone. Completely forgotten.

Creative insight
Creative professionals and marketers are emotional and expressive individuals. We are hungry, passionate and engaged — that’s why our biggest fear is leaving no mark after our career “dies”.
And in our campaign we are gonna use this fear.

We are going to remind all creative professionals and marketers that their careers are “mortal”.
Our goal is to make them face reality and start their way to the Cannes Lions as soon as possible.

How it works?
First, we announce a landing-page designed as a cemetery of creatives and marketers — via Instagram we are going to promote places in it, while on the landing itself we deliver a message that the time for learning creative skills and getting the Lion is now.

We are gonna use professional media too — for instance, we publish a series of necrologies about “classic” local creative specialists, who spent their entire career for so-so campaigns.

Finally, in order to get a massive buzz, we launch a creepy product on popular local marketplaces — we sell muslim grave-clothes specially designed for creative professionals. But users have a choice: accept that their career is dead, or buy “Advertising 101” course to boost their skills and finally get that Lion.


"The Kindly Reminder"

Campaign summary

Surely local creative professionals CAN win the Lion. But in a daily routine, in a tornado of classic IMC’s and trade activations they often lose focus and forget that our industry in Central Asia still has a mountain to climb: we never won any Cannes Lion yet.

So we are here to remind them about this massive goal, by delivering a series of smart signs.

Creative insight

Almost any marketer, copywriter or creative director thinks about winning Cannes Lions at least 3-4 times a week.

But this is not enough. We should keep this goal in our minds much more often, so that one day we finally start acting towards reaching it.

We all need signs that will systematically remind us about this mission.


How about integrating into platforms that surround creative professionals and marketers of Central Asia every single day?

We know where to catch our target audience, so why not to deliver our messages just in time and just in place?

How it works?

We get into Google Slides — the most popular tool for creating presentations in the ad industry of Central Asia. Every time someone opens the Slides, our template named “You still haven’t got any Cannes Lion” will meet them. Inside the template we put necessary info on 42courses and “Advertising 101”.

Later on, we can create a special reminder-profile on Tinder: the most popular dating app among our audience, that will get their attention back to the fact: we still don’t have any Cannes Lion. Slider of the profile will be used as an informational deck about our courses.

Finally, we can even integrate into Yandex.Navigation app, that is widely used by creators while driving: “After 100 meters turn right, and don’t forget that you still don’t have Cannes Lion. Time to try Advertising 101 on 42courses.com”


"Chasing the Lion"

Campaign summary
Creative professionals say that marketers are boring and “don’t got balls” to perform bright campaigns.
Marketers say that creative guys don’t understand a thing in business and only think about “useless” awards.
Well, okay, but — these pals have one thing in common, at least in Central Asia.
They. Love. Running.
And we’re (unexpectedly!) gonna use it.

Creative insight
Running is a panacea for our brain — while we run, our body releases hormones called endorphins, that positively tune us for creativity. Also, running activates our hippocampus: a piece of our brain which is responsible for memory and learning.
Luckily, a lot of creative professionals and marketers already run quite a lot. We just have to convert their passion about sports into passion about winning Cannes Lions.

We are gonna unite two sides of the advertising world — creatives and marketers — in one spot by using running.
Sport apps, maps, AI and brain with its hormones will assists us in our goal.

How it works?
Through collaboration with the 1Fit app, which is the most popular sport app in Central Asia, we launch a digital campaign named “Chase the Lion”.

Via social media we invite creatives and marketers to try a special running tracks in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan — while running, they get access to the AI voice-overed versions of our super-useful articles on 42courses.com.

The magic happens when motivated and engaged creatives and marketers… suddenly meet at the finish of each track! Yes, we are gonna set our tracks so that they start at a specific time, at a specific place, making two sides of the ad world meet at the end.

Finally, after completing several tracks together, marketers and creatives receive a teamed-up promo code for “Advertising 101” course, that motivates them to study the course together and unite in their chase for the Lion.
Креативные партнеры конкурса
Международная креативная школа и комьюнити:
- лучшая международная рекламная школа по версии Уoung Glory
- лучшая рекламная школа по версии Red Apple 5 лет подряд.
- 12 лет задает тренды на рынке образования в креативной индустрии и выпускает специалистов , за которыми охотятся по всему миру и забирают в топовые агентства.
- преподают только практикующие профессионалы с индустриальными наградами.
- привносят международную экспертизу на локальный рынок: 200+ топовых экспертов из России, Америки и Европы

Здесь учатся с нуля и выходят на новый уровень в самых актуальных рекламных профессиях, находят работу мечты и побеждают на индустриальных фестивалях.

Для участников и победителей Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2024 mads дарит сертификаты на обучение на своих длинных и коротких курсах:
  • 5 000 рублей каждому зарегистрированному участнику;
  • 10 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей III место;
  • 20 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей II место;
  • 30 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей I место.
Depositphotos — это маркетплейс с более чем 270 миллионами роялти-фри изображений, видео и музыкальных файлов. Мы — коммерческая платформа, которая объединяет авторов качественного лицензионного контента с покупателями и помогает профессионалам по всему миру реализовать их лучшие проекты.

Для всех участников Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2024 Depositphotos открывает доступ к своей базе на время проведения конкурса 23-25 февраля.
Информационные партнеры конкурса
Tribune - веб-cайт, созданный Центрально-Азиатской Рекламной Ассоциацией и посвящен рекламе, маркетингу и PR в Казахстане и странах Центральной Азии
PR Drive – отраслевой онлайн-журнал о пиар и коммуникациях в Казахстане
PR.UZ - издание об индустрии рекламы, пиара и маркетинга в Узбекистане.
Маркетинговая ассоциация Узбекистана – крупнейшее профессиональное сообщество Центральной Азии.
Создано в декабре 2016 года. Сегодня Ассоциация – это более 120 компаний партнеров и более 100 экспертов в области маркетинга.
Организатор конкурса

Школа Креативной Смелости Асхата Ускембаева

- Тренинговая компания, работающая с рекламодателями, коммуникационными агентствами, ВУЗами в Казахстане, России, странах Центральной Азии, СНГ и Восточной Европы.
- Эксклюзивный официальный представитель Международного Фестиваля Креативности Каннские Львы в Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Узбекистане, включая крупнейшие региональные фестивали креативности Spikes Asia, eurobest, Dubai Lynx, AMES.
- Издатель книги "Аргумент в пользу креативности".
E-mail: official@canneslions.today
Телефон: +7 701 715 3035
Telegram: https://t.me/Askhatus