
Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Узбекистан

Young Lions FILM Competition

Представьте, что у вас есть всего 48 часов, чтобы снять и отредактировать 60-секундный рекламный ролик.
Как это работает
  • Проверяете на соответствие требованиям конкурса в своей стране (возраст, опыт и количество участников)
  • Регистрируетесь в конкурсе (анкета и взнос)
  • Получаете бриф и создаете работу за 48 часов
  • Выигрываете конкурс (или нет)
  • Если выиграли конкурс в своей стране, то участвуете в финале конкурса на Международном Фестивале Креативности Каннские Львы с 17 по 22 июня 2024 года (только для финалистов из Казахстана и Узбекистана)
Вы будете забрифованы благотворительной или коммерческой организацией об их коммуникативной задаче. Затем у вас будет 48 часов, чтобы придумать оригинальную идею в соответствии с заданием, снять ее на видео и смонтировать полученный материал в формате видеоролика. Это будет оцениваться несколькими отраслевыми экспертами, прежде чем победитель будет объявлен.
Кто может участвовать в конкурсе
  • Арт-директоры/Продюсеры/Кинорежиссеры/Креаторы с опытом работы от 2 лет
  • Специалисты с полной занятостью и фрилансеры в возрасте 30 лет и младше (на 22 июня 2024)
График проведения конкурса
График проведения конкурса в категории Film:
  • Регистрация команд - с 1 января по 21 февраля 2024
  • Конкурс - с 23 по 25 февраля 2024
  • Работа жюри - с 28 февраля по 16 марта 2024
  • Награждение - 22 марта 2024
  • Получение шенгенской визы - с 25 марта 2024 (только для финалистов из Казахстана и Узбекистана)
  • Глобальный конкурс Young Lions Film Competition в городе Канны, Франция - с 17 по 22 июня 2024 (только для финалистов из Казахстана и Узбекистана)
- 1 января, понедельник, 00-00 GMT+6
Открытие регистрации команд в каждой категории. Участники должны соответствовать критериям участия в конкурсе Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024

- 21 февраля, среда, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание регистрации команд

- 22 февраля, четверг
Объявление об общем количестве зарегистрированных команд / смена категорий по желанию участников

- 23 февраля, пятница 19-00 GMT+6
Старт конкурса для категории FILM - Zoom сессия с участниками, представление брифа, ответы и вопросы (ссылка будет отправлена на электронные адреса зарегистрированных команд)

- 25 февраля, воскресенье, 24-00 GMT+6
Окончание приема работ участников категории FILM

- С 28 февраля по 16 марта
Работа жюри

- 22 марта, 19-00 GMT+6
Церемония награждения конкурса Молодые Львы Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Узбекистана 2024
Выберите свою страну для регистрации в категории Film
Категория Film

Некоторые из созданных работ

Фонд "Посади дерево"
В 2013 году задача от экологического фонда "Посади дерево" заключалась в донесении смысла особой утилизации ламп дневного света
В 2016 году Market поставил задачу донести преимущество мобильного приложения, в котором теперь можно торговаться - предлагать свою цену за продаваемый на площадке товар.
Centras Insurance
В 2019 году Centras Insurance поставил задачу по созданию видеоролика, передающего смысл нового страхового продукта - страхование здоровья и жизни для ведущих активный образ жизни людей.
Театр "Ильхом"
В 2022 году креаторы должны были решить задачу по привлечению внимания потенциальных попечителей к театру.
Film Жюри 2024
  • Евгений Костылев
    Управляющий креативный директор в DASM Group и исполнительный креативный директор в GForce
    Обладатель более 300 профессиональных наград на 16 международных фестивалях рекламы: Epica, Golden Drum, KIAF, Ad Black Sea, White Square, Red Apple, Lisbon Ad Festival, Mad Stars, PHNX Awards, E+ awards, Red Jolbors, WOW done awards, Silver Mercury, Popok, Idea!, и др. На многие из них был приглашен в качестве члена жюри.

    Рекламой занимается уже 19 лет, имеет опыт работы с крупнейшими международными и локальными брендами, среди которых Procter & Gamble, Philip Morris, Kaspi.kz, Lactalis, Danone, Efes, Carlsberg, Beeline, Kcell, Ferrero, Samsung, Huawei, OPPO, PepsiCo, Red Bull, Toyota, Lexus, и другие. Разрабатывал рекламные кампании для рынков Казахстана, России, Монголии, Узбекистана, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Азербайджана и Грузии.
  • Анастасия Никонович
    Креативный директор
    AIDA Pioneer
    AIDA Pioneer — самое креативное и эффективное агентство в Беларуси.
    Имела счастье работать с крутыми международными и локальными брендами.

    Участник и призер международных и локальных фестивалей: White Square, Red Apple, КМФР, LAMA, Adma. Член жюри международных и локальных фестивалей рекламы.

    Анастасия всей душой любит рекламу и верит, что креатив делает этот мир лучше. Как и рилсы с котиками, конечно :)
  • Thomas Kolster
    Автор книг, консультант по маркетингу и устойчивому развитию, международный спикер +80 стран, включая The International Advertising Association’s Sustainability Council, D&AD’s Impact Council и Act Responsible.

    Член жюри Cannes Lions и D&AD.
  • Анна Оганджанян
    Арт-директор, управляющий директор
    Jungle Creative Studio
    После обучения в Центральном колледже искусства и дизайна имени Святого Мартина (факультет дизайна), ВГИКе (режиссерский факультет), Московской Школе Нового Кино (режиссерский факультет) Анна работала с такими брендами, как Золотое Яблоко, Zarina, VK, МИР, Ingrad, ФК Динамо, ФК Спартак, М.Видео, Yota, Borjomi, Святой Источник и др.

    Среди наград: Золото Effie Russia, White Square, Silver Mercury.
Film работы 2024 года
Созданные за 48 часов по брифу программы "Аутизм победим: как увеличить осведомленность об аутизме в стране.

Difficulties making eye contact is one of the main autism peculiarities. Children can’t interact even with their parents. Doctors consider the age of 4-5 appropriate to start working on.
Parents have a special role in this process. Through the direct eye contact they help kids control emotions and interact with the world.
Autistic kid socialization is not only doctors’ responsibility but also those of the family and the closest surrounding. Though more than a half of parents disagree.
Involved parents can significantly influence the child’s well being. Developing games, housework, hobbies and constant attention at home benefit to his stabilization and sometimes full recovery.
The positive change can be seen within the combination of traditional medicine,
society support and parents’ involvement. Public organizations such as «We can defeat autism!» are actively involved into the dialogue with all social groups.

Insight: parents’ eyes can become a safe space for their autistic children.
Your eyes can show them the world!
The social video «Look and see» addresses the society and parents and reminds about the kids’ fear facing the real world. It emphasizes the importance of eye contact to socialize kids and encourages the parents not to give up when you can give them so much.
Eye contact is also important for the parents. The kids’ gaze can be the source of
strength and inspiration. Belief in each other's powers helps overcome difficulties and makes things real. It may encourage parents not to stop there and prove the
importance of the full-scale involvement into kids’ life beyond traditional medicine.
Unusual colors in video emphasize autists’ special way of thinking. Parents’ eyes
disappearing symbolize time transience. However feelings and strength parents leave behind stay with their children forever. Putting maximum effort now is the most important for the world around not to be scary

Among the many children there is one special one, with autism. He is surrounded by a black ring of fear, attack, condemnation. An elder comes and creates a safe space for the child and ward off fears. Now everything is fine. But the elder cannot be around forever. He leaves. The kid is alone with his fears. Darkness is gathering. It seems the worst outcome is coming.
But the child rises up and opens the door to the future. At one time, he loved to construct - now he builds houses. He used to be afraid to make acquaintances - now he is bold and open. Once he thought he could not be part of society - now he has a family.
This is the future that children with autism can have if parents invest in their adaptation now.

According to the WHO, autism occurs once in 100 children. In the CIS countries most of the autistic people aren't integrated into society, they are still stigmatized as incapacitated.
"Your child has autism" sounds like a sentence to parents. The child will have no job, no family, no friends. Convinced of the helplessness of the child, the parents send him to specialists and isolate him from society. They create a small world where the child can feel safe. But one day parents won’t be there. We invite parents to reflect on the possible tragedy... And then tell the story with a happy ending. Their child is fully realized, makes friends, achieves professional success and starts a family.
A story that will make parents believe that…
Autistic children have the future.
(If the parents invest in the present.)

Visualization of a dictionary if it were written by an untrained autistic child and an adapted autistic child. Grocery store - obstacle course or just a regular mall? Eye contact - threat or positive social signal? Is family just people or a safe place? The same simple words - but so different meanings.
We tell and show the viewer what the world looks like through the eyes of an autistic, and how this vision can be influenced.

Words are important. The same words can have different meanings for different people. The meanings of words can change everything.
Imagine how much the world will change to you if every social interaction becomes a space for frightening interpretations, looking into the eyes will mean a threat, and every exit from home is an obstacle course full of cacophony of sounds.
The world will become big, scary, dangerous. This is how the autistic child sees it. But it is possible to change their picture of the world. If you deal with their adaptation. If you give them a new "dictionary". If you teach them new meanings of habitual words and make incomprehensible things become clear and understandable safe.
Our idea is to convey to parents and the general public: You choose what the world will mean.

Throughout their lives, people with autism face undeserved looks from others who express not the most pleasant emotions.

Talking looks.
The looks of surrounding on people with autism directly "say what they think."

In Russian, there is an phrase "talking look", which means a very expressive, oten negative, expression of emotions with the help of eyes.

A little girl has been playing with letter cubes alone for a long time. She monotonously repeats the stereotypical movement — turning the cube. This behavior is one of the main signs of childhood autism. After several turns, the phrase "autism is undefeated" is collected from the cubes.
The girl's family joins the game — hands of grandma, dad and mom shift a couple of cubes and add new ones. Now we see: "Autism can be defeated. You're not alone».
A simple video to convey a simple message about the positive consequences of parental and family involvement in the treatment of a child with autism. We appeal to parents to play with their children more. And to play so sincerely and enthusiastically, as if they themselves had returned to childhood.
We offer the line: «Be a child for your child». Afterward, we invite parents to the project website to learn more.

Cultural context:
Most parents of children with ASD aren’t involved in the treatment of their child and are convinced that specialists should deal with this.
The principle of the «Autism can be defeated» project — to help not only an autistic child, but also his family.
Our objectives was:
- to involve parents of autistic children and their families in working on themselves and in working with children;
- to create awareness about the problem.

Children love to play and explore the world by playing. For children with autism, play is also the first stage of therapy. It is important for the child's
family to get involved in games to develop communication and social skills. For this, adults sometimes need to be children.

We appeal to parents to play more with their children and use play as the first step in treating a child. Our project will help with this. Let’s play.

Autism can be cured by donation.
What? Really?
Yes! That's exactly what we say in the film.
Mom is going to become a donor for her child with autism. The main twist – she isn't donating blood or organs. She's donating much more – her time. Every day. All her life. The reverse flow of sand in an hourglass is a visualization of the time and effort that parents spend to help their children with autism reach their maximum potential, safely socialize in society, and live a full life. We offer the headline: «Autism is curable. By Love and Care».
A small heart is a symbol of love. Mom passes it to Dad. EVERY loved one should change their usual life to change the life of an autistic child. The headline is followed by the subline: «Of the whole family».
Afterward, we invite parents to the project website to learn more.

Cultural context:
Most parents of children with ASD aren’t involved in the treatment of their child and are convinced that specialists should deal with this.
The principle of the «Autism can be defeated» project — to help not only an autistic child, but also his family.
Our objectives was:
- to involve parents of autistic children and their families in working on themselves and in working with children;
- to create awareness about the problem.

Autism isn’t a disease, it’s a disorder. It cannot be cured with pills and medicines. But we’re sure that there is a cure for defeating autism — the care, attention and TIME donated by parents. Time cures. When it comes to autism, it's not just a figure of speech. It works.

We appeal directly to parents, saying that ONLY THEY are able to change their children's lives for the better. With the help of our project.

In this short film, a touching story unfolds about a mom of two adult
children who receives a letter from the “We can defeat autism” organization,
expressing gratitude for her children's achievements.

As she reads the letter aloud, she reminisces about numerous moments from the past they've overcome and the joys they've shared. Her adult children have unlocked their potential and succeeded in life: Elisey is a talented designer creating unique dresses for celebrities, while Monica is a popular singer whose passion for music inspires many people. The film captures moments of joyful events and children's accomplishments,
highlighting their resilience and determination to overcome any obstacles.
The thank-you letter from “We can defeat autism“ becomes a symbol of recognition and support, giving the family an extra sense of pride and confidence that they are on the right path. In the film's finale, the mom decides to write them a letter, expressing her love and support in their future endeavors. The film is filled with emotions and shows how a family, faced with autism, managed to overcome all difficulties, find happiness, and achieve success together.

In the film "Through the Lens," the main character with autism syndrome takes us on a journey through his unique perspective on the world through the camera lens. At the beginning of the film, we see him curiously examining photographs, then capturing the surrounding objects inside his home. Scenes transition to his immersion in nature outside the window and exploring snowy streets. Each frame carries his unique perception of colors, shapes, and emotions, highlighting his talent in the art of photography and his ability to see beauty in various details.

The film utilizes the art of photography as a means to convey the inner world of the character with autism. This reflects not only his creative approach but also the ability to find beauty in ordinary things. Autism is often accompanied by a unique perception of the world, and the film aims to emphasize this uniqueness. Visual elements, such as colors and shapes, are used to convey his emotional state and perception of the surrounding world. Photography serves as a bridge between his internal and external feelings. The film is designed to evoke understanding and respect for the individual perspectives of people with autism, as well as highlight their creative potential.

Our video is imbued with a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards individuals with autism. We assert that accepting and understanding them should not be complicated, but should come from the heart. After all, they are just as much members of society as we are, and deserve the same respect and support as everyone else.

The integration of individuals with autism begins with recognizing their rights to full participation in society. Our emotional connection to them motivates us to include them in various spheres of public life with love and warmth, rather than just as a formal requirement. But beyond formal rights, it is important to show genuine empathy towards individuals with autism. We must become more sensitive to their unique needs and characteristics, ready to support them on their journey. Family plays a crucial role in the life of every person, including individuals with autism. Their emotional support, understanding, and love help them feel safe and secure. Creating a family opens up not only new opportunities for self-realization for individuals with autism but also becomes a source of infinite love and support.

The realization of the potential of individuals with autism is not only important for themselves but also for society as a whole. Our emotional connection to them inspires us to recognize their unique abilities and talents, which can benefi t us and enrich our lives.
So, it is important to remember that the integration of individuals with autism into society requires not only understanding and respect but also deep emotional responsiveness. The video reminds us of the importance of being kind and tolerant towards such individuals, to create a world where everyone feels accepted and respected, and where our empathy and love accompany them on their journey to self-realization and happiness.

We see videos from social media of different cats, which reached so much views on TikTok and IG. Each video is a demonstration of one of the symptoms of autism in cats that are also characteristic of a person with autism.
1. Obsessive interests
2. Lack of interest in communicating with people
3. Increased sensitivity to light and sound
4. Unusual vocalizations and sounds
5. Repetitive behavior
On the black background the main message appears “Autism is not always scary”
The second text “You just need to accept and understand it!”
The third text “Only together we can change the perception of autism!”

Cultural/contextual information:
Cats, like people, can suffer from autism. Some symptoms are the same in both cats and humans. But the strange behavior of cats due to autism raises fewer questions and fears than the same symptoms in humans…
And of course the global insight is how we perceive anything related to cats - they are sweeeeet…

On the camera lens we see the hands of a child playing with a toy. The camera’s Autolock/focus (metaphora: child’s concentration) is on the toy, everything else is blurry. The door is closed in the background (sound). The child’s auntie came as a guest, and his mother is greeting her. Mother calls the child by his name “Murad, come and say hi, your auntie came”, but all the voices are muffled for him. Mom repeats it several times and each time her voice becomes a little clearer, but so far only the trigger sound (ringtone of the phone) bothers him. He raises his head, and we see only ringing phone on the focus of the child (AF of camera).
On the black background the text appears “We’ll help you to handle autofoсus!” then the word “autofocus” changes to “autism”.

Cultural/contextual information:
The modern world is seen through phone cameras, therefore we decided to use this particular Autolock metaphor (when the camera focus is not controlled) through the POV of a child with autistic syndrome.
Why did we choose the situation where the child is asked to say “Hello”?
In Eastern culture, children are expected to respect adults; especially, all children are taught to greet adults from an early age. If the child does not say “hello” when an adult guest comes, it is considered that the mother raised the child incorrectly, meaning the child’s behavior is unfavorable.
At the same time, an autistic child may often not respond to his name or sounds/voices. A child with ASD may not control their concentration and focus and may randomly choose what to focus on.
Креативные партнеры конкурса
Международная креативная школа и комьюнити:
- лучшая международная рекламная школа по версии Уoung Glory
- лучшая рекламная школа по версии Red Apple 5 лет подряд.
- 12 лет задает тренды на рынке образования в креативной индустрии и выпускает специалистов , за которыми охотятся по всему миру и забирают в топовые агентства.
- преподают только практикующие профессионалы с индустриальными наградами.
- привносят международную экспертизу на локальный рынок: 200+ топовых экспертов из России, Америки и Европы

Здесь учатся с нуля и выходят на новый уровень в самых актуальных рекламных профессиях, находят работу мечты и побеждают на индустриальных фестивалях.

Для участников и победителей Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2024 mads дарит сертификаты на обучение на своих длинных и коротких курсах:
  • 5 000 рублей каждому зарегистрированному участнику;
  • 10 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей III место;
  • 20 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей II место;
  • 30 000 рублей каждому участнику команды, выигравшей I место.
Depositphotos — это маркетплейс с более чем 270 миллионами роялти-фри изображений, видео и музыкальных файлов. Мы — коммерческая платформа, которая объединяет авторов качественного лицензионного контента с покупателями и помогает профессионалам по всему миру реализовать их лучшие проекты.

Для всех участников Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2024 Depositphotos открывает доступ к своей базе на время проведения конкурса 23-25 февраля.
Информационные партнеры конкурса
Tribune - веб-cайт, созданный Центрально-Азиатской Рекламной Ассоциацией и посвящен рекламе, маркетингу и PR в Казахстане и странах Центральной Азии
PR Drive – отраслевой онлайн-журнал о пиар и коммуникациях в Казахстане
PR.UZ - издание об индустрии рекламы, пиара и маркетинга в Узбекистане.
Маркетинговая ассоциация Узбекистана – крупнейшее профессиональное сообщество Центральной Азии.
Создано в декабре 2016 года. Сегодня Ассоциация – это более 120 компаний партнеров и более 100 экспертов в области маркетинга.
Организатор конкурса

Школа Креативной Смелости Асхата Ускембаева

- Тренинговая компания, работающая с рекламодателями, коммуникационными агентствами, ВУЗами в Казахстане, России, странах Центральной Азии, СНГ и Восточной Европы.
- Эксклюзивный официальный представитель Международного Фестиваля Креативности Каннские Львы в Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Узбекистане, включая крупнейшие региональные фестивали креативности Spikes Asia, eurobest, Dubai Lynx, AMES.
- Издатель книги "Аргумент в пользу креативности".
E-mail: official@canneslions.today
Телефон: +7 701 715 3035
Telegram: https://t.me/Askhatus