

Young Lions Competitions Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan 2023
Film Jury
  • Кана Бейсекеев
    Снял и спродюсировал ряд документальных фильмов на различные темы, такие как проблемы окружающей среды, права человека, культурное наследие и социальные проблемы в Казахстане и Центральной Азии.
  • Лена Дернова
    Креативный директор в агентстве Friends Moscow,
    Главный куратор курса «Концептуальное мышление: как придумывать идеи», «Как выигрывать фестивали» в mads
    Лена работает в сфере идей уже более 10 лет. Обладательница международных наград в студенческих и профессиональных фестивалях. Ее работы публиковались на международных ресурсах: Adage, WARC, Inspiration, Creative Criminals и других. Лена является участником клуба и членом жюри ADCR и представляла Россию в Young Lions Competition.
    Лена преподает и курирует курс MADS более 4 лет. Ее студенты получили награды фестиваля Young Ones, ADCR, Red Apple, HSE Creative Open.
  • Олегжан Бекетаев
    Управляющий директор по маркетингу, PR и ESG
    Эксперт по маркетингу и HR с 15 летним опытом работы. Занимал должность управляющего директора по HR, член правления BI Group, возглавлял команду маркетинга Сбербанк Казахстан. С 2021 года является управляющим директором по маркетингу, PR и ESG JUSAN. Свою деятельность в Jusan Олегжан начал с построения новой маркетинговой стратегии и запуска имиджевых кампаний со слоганом «Верим в каждого, верим в тебя» в поддержку креативной экономики, которая нашла отклик у талантливых, креативных ребят во всего Казахастана. На посыл новой имиджевой кампаний с новыми идеями и предложениями по коллаборациям приходят известные казахстанские бренды, организаторы крупных форумов и ивентов, и со многими из них, как Almaty Pop Up Store, Repass, Canne`s Lions, реализованы совместные проекты.
    Назван Best CMO 2022 года.
    Олегжан - основатель MarHR Consulting, сооснователь MarCom Club самого крупного сообщества маркетологов в Центральной Азии; член ассоциации HR в Казахстане; спикер и модератор многочисленных форумов и конференций, как Kazakhstan HR Forum 2020, День Креативной смелости 2022, Kazakhstan HR Forum 2022.
  • Крис Роулинсон
    Создатель образовательной платформы 42courses.com, партнера Каннских львов по электронному обучению. Ранее Крис работал руководителем отдела креатива и инноваций в Ogilvy и WPP, а также работал с глобальными брендами, такими как Audi, Cadburys, Heinz, American Express, IBM и многими другими. Сейчас он создает креативные курсы, которые помогают маркетологам и рекламодателям по всему миру оттачивать свое мастерство, а в свободное время ищет место, где заканчивается Интернет.
Just Support Foundation with the Anti-bullying Community project
The project was created in August 2022.

Community Vision: We are committed to contributing to a bully-free society. Where situations of bullying and demand are identified and resolved, the solution finds support in all places. Where the mentality and adults and children - do not encourage exceptions and development of bullying situations, if they arise, find a unique and high-quality solution. To do this, we use various forms, means and tools: we develop
information and methodological materials, seminars, trainings, lectures, master-
minds, session news, festivals and other events are distributed both offline and
and online formats, develop new digital tools and platforms, initiate discussions and public discussions, work with the identification of identified bullying, providing information and expert support. We collect the maximum number of potential partners and stakeholders for this work.

Community Mission: We help people understand what bullying is, how to identify and deal with it, a significant zero tolerance for bullying, increase their volume right and
psychological competence.

Project goal: Creation and development of a community of parents, experienced employees of organizations education, and media representatives are capable owners of children under 18 from bullying.

Project objectives:
1) Help families who have applied for support cope with bullying by involving experts, other parents and conducting specific cases.
2) Create and develop a platform for communication and communication, involve stakeholders in your work: parents, teachers, media representatives, business structures and the state.
According to various estimates, up to 63% of school students in the Republic of Kazakhstan are subjected to some form of bullying (research by the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, Kazakhstani NGOs).

The experience of counseling at the Just Support Resource Center shows that bullying often becomes one of the most significant triggers for suicide attempts among adolescents.
In many countries of the world, anti-bullying programs have been introduced in educational organizations; this work has been carried out for the past 40 years. Our country is at the beginning of this path. So, in May 2022, the concept of bullying was included in a number of laws (the Law on the Rights of the Child, the Law on Education, etc.), the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 2022 developed and approved the "Rules for the prevention of bullying (bullying) of the child" for educational organizations.
At the same time, in the field, among teachers and the parent community, there is not enough knowledge and skills for full-fledged prevention and work with the topic of bullying. They receive regulatory documents prescribing to work with this topic, but almost do not have the necessary competencies and tools for this. We made this conclusion as a result of a year of work and consideration of 80 cases from different regions.

At the level of educational organizations: in most educational institutions in Kazakhstan, bullying is considered the norm and/or hushed up. Teachers believe that this is a stage of socialization (children grow up like this) or they do not know how to work with prevention and a detected case (they do not know theory and practice). Also, schools usually do not want to “wash dirty linen in public”, they prefer to leave the issue within the school at any cost.
At the family level: parents have low legal and psychological literacy, do not know what to do in situations of bullying and how to identify them.
At the level of children: children do not report cases of bullying until it reaches extreme degrees of manifestation. Because of the fear that this is “squealing”, that it will be worse, that their parents will punish them, that their parents already have so many problems, etc.
At the project level: the project needs funding sources to continue its work.
Bullying is the most common form of violence that occurs between children and teenagers during their school years. Through the many forms in which this phenomenon manifests itself, it threatens the right of children to education and affects the life path of all children involved, regardless of the role they play. Although the study of this phenomenon began more than 40 years ago (Olweus, 1973, 1978), adults who are involved in the upbringing and care of children and adolescents (teachers, parents) still have serious gaps and difficulties in correctly defining bullying behavior and intervening in an appropriate way. to prevent it. Any process of intervention begins with the correct definition of the situation in which we want to intervene. Thus, in order to know what to do, we first need to know what we are facing. The correct definition of the situation is a necessary condition for successful intervention.

Bullying is a complex phenomenon that takes many forms, and the literature offers several points of view on its understanding. Bullying refers to such actions by which a person or a group of people deliberately and repeatedly intimidate, injure, offend, humiliate another person, subject to an imbalance of power between the person / group of people and the victim. The definition given by Olvaeus was used by all scientists who later began to study this phenomenon. This definition shows three criteria by which we can determine whether a behavior is bullying or not: repetitiveness, intentionality, power imbalance.
To better understand the behavior of bullying, we offer you the opportunity to analyze the situation in terms of three criteria:
1. Repeatability criteria
Bullying behavior does not happen once, it repeats.

2. Criterion of intentionality
It is behavior that is done with the intent to hurt, and not by chance or as a result of experiencing the emotion of anger (for example, aggressive behavior resulting from experiencing an emotion such as anger or frustration). That is why in the specialized literature bullying is defined as a form of instrumental aggression, that is, aggression that is used to gain something: status, power, prestige, popularity, respect, etc.

3. Strength criterion
Some children and teenagers think that they have certain things that make them look better than others, more privileged, important, powerful. Power simply means the ability to cause another person to change or react in the desired direction. Simply put, power means the ability to get another person to do what you want. All people learn to use their power in a healthy way so as not to harm themselves or others. Strength is like a double-edged sword. We need to learn how to use it so as not to harm ourselves and others. Children learn to use power from the examples of the adults around them.
Mechanism for the implementation of the Anti-bullying Community project:

1) A family experiencing bullying submits an online application to the community.
Community experts gather a council and jointly decide what ways to help and
support can be applied.
The services of all specialists are free for the family (we pay for them through donor contributions).
At the head of all decisions and actions taken is the priority of the interests of the child.

2) We conduct information campaigns on social networks (Instagram and Facebook), as well as offline - a press conference, a film screening, a flash mob.

3) Together with the Commissioner for Children's Rights of Almaty, we have already developed and submitted to the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Protocol on working with bullying for educational organizations."

4) We developed a free online course for teachers and parents to prevent and solve the problem of bullying https://stepik.org/course/140006/promo
Attracting the attention of the audience to the problem of bullying and ways to solve and prevent it:
  • Create awareness of the problem of bullying.
  • Involve the public in solving the problem of bullying and its prevention through participation in the “Anti-bullying community”.
Parents of schoolchildren: 35-45 years old, mostly women who have encountered a problem or want to avoid it in the future (the child goes to school / moves to a new school).
Today's parents of schoolchildren faced bullying when they themselves were schoolchildren. Someone was a victim, someone was an aggressor, and most were observers. But, now they believe that the time of bullying has passed, as well as the time of yard gangs, gopniks, although fear still remains deep in their souls. But this fear is hidden behind the daily care of the house, sticking to social networks and work. Until they stumble upon terrible facts in the media or already in their family.
Learn more about bullying on our resources and get involved in the prevention and fight against it through any tools of your choice: recognize bullying and resolve conflict manifestations yourself, teach children about recognizing and resisting bullying, seek the help of professional psychologists and mediators in our community, make donor contributions to pay for the work of psychologists and mediators.

“When you get involved in the fight against bullying, you create a safer world for kids.” We want to call for joining forces to reduce bullying in schools.

Community Partners
- Angel Children's Safety Center, which trains child safety trainers.
- KazNU named after Al-Farabi
- Network of Youth Health Centers
- NGO Family Support Center "Family Academy"
- Department of Education of Almaty
- Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Community symbol
Capybara. Good-natured, harmless and memorable animal.
Selected through polls and voting among children.

World Anti-bullying Day - May 4th.
1. A horizontal video film up to 60 seconds.
2. The written explanation (300 words) in a separate vertical “.pdf” file A4:
- A short summary of what happens in the film (150 words)
- Cultural/context information (150 words). Please explain any cultural terms, references or viewing context which you feel need explanation.
3. Sound and voice(s) must be in Russian language.
4. Subtitles must be in English language.
5. No dubbing in English must be provided.
6. The film must be provided in “.mov” or “.mp4” formats. The written explanation must be provided in “.pdf” format (horizontal).
7. You can create as many films as you want and can.

Summary: Children share their problems with toys, animals, write them out in a "diary".
The first clip shows a dialogue of a 6-year-old child with his favorite toy, with which he tells about the affairs at school, how his "friends" took away all the toys and mocked him. At the end of the video, the boy turns to the toy and thanks her for always being there. The slogan of the video reads: "Become your child not only a parent, but also a best friend."
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Summary: In the second video, a boy, aged 7-8, shares his experiences by writing them down in his diary. He tells how he wants to leave, so that no one else touches him and calls him a loser. Further, closing the diary, he thanks him for the fact that he can always find solace in its pages. The slogan of the video is similar to the first one, it emphasizes how important it is for parents to be the very best friend for their child.
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The topic of bullying is so taboo in Kazakhstan that communication can’t be straightforward. Nevertheless, children still commit suicide because of it. The film touches exactly this sensitive topic. At first glance, the viewer doesn’t understand what is going on because we see the ordinary life of a schoolboy. Nevertheless, on every occasion he receives a flower which is eventually a metaphor for bullying.

In the post-soviet countries, the flower is a unique gift that represents both life and death. People gift them at weddings, birthdays but also during funerals. It is a strong gesture that shows affection and love for one who left his world
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Saken finds himself walking down the street when he suddenly sees a billboard that catches his attention. The billboard features the person he used to bully
during his high school days, calling him names and greeting him from their shared past in elementary school. This situation highlights a message about how
victims of bullying continue to carry the emotional wounds inflicted upon them throughout their lives. These individuals often spend countless hours
reflecting on their experiences, considering how they might have responded differently to their bullies.
The story serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of understanding how to deal with bullying effectively. We must educate ourselves and
others on the signs of bullying and provide support to those who are affected by it. Encouraging open communication, teaching empathy, and promoting
inclusiveness can all contribute to creating safer environments.

Cultural / Context information:
Saken's story is a stark reminder of the lasting impact that bullying can have on its victims. It is our responsibility to understand and address this issue to
protect ourselves and others from the emotional scars it can leave behind.
Experiencing bullying can lead to emotional trauma, which may manifest in different ways, such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. These emotional
scars can hinder personal development, affecting social interactions, relationships, and even career advancement.
We must equip individuals with the tools they need to stand up against bullying, both as victims and as bystanders. This includes developing confidence,
fostering resilience, and learning how to seek help from trusted sources when needed
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The daughter reaches out to her mother, expressing that she has been unwell recently. Concerned, the mother inquires about her daughter's physical health and dietary habits to better understand her condition. However, when the conversation shifts to the psychological aspect of her well-being, the mother's tone and demeanor change unexpectedly. Instead of offering a warm, empathetic response, the mother begins to speak in a detached, robotic manner, much like an automated support voice bot. She requests her daughter to stay on the line, creating a sense of emotional disconnect between them. This sudden shift in the mother's behavior leaves the daughter feeling unheard and unsupported during a time when she is seeking comfort and understanding from a close family member.

Cultural / Context information:
In many countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, there is an unfortunate tendency to undervalue the importance of psychological support for children and the need to protect them from bullying. Cultural factors, societal attitudes, and a lack of awareness contribute to this issue, leading to negative consequences for the mental well-being of young people. In these countries, mental health issues are often stigmatized and misunderstood, making it difficult for children to receive the help they need. Schools may lack proper resources or trained personnel to address the emotional needs of students, leaving them feeling isolated and unsupported. To combat these issues, governments, schools, and parents must prioritize the mental well-being of children by investing in mental health awareness campaigns and education, providing resources for psychological support, and implementing comprehensive anti-bullying policies. By doing so, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for children to grow and develop into emotionally healthy individuals
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The short summary:
The black screen. We hear a tick-tock sound of the clock and calm heartbeat. Suddenly the school bell ring and voices of other pupils appear on the background. The heart increases its beating – this is the panic and fear of the bullied school kid. Titles: «can you imagine to get scared by the bell?” Titles: «The bullied kids are every day/ every hour” Final packshot with the call to action to join the community and reduce the school bullying.

The cultural context:
Pupils are often bullied during the breaks when other kids have time to torment and “have fun” with the victims. The school bell notifies the students that the lesson is over and now they have free time. This can be traumatic experience for the kids who hates to be around their torturers without any support from the adults.
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Photos of famous killers and dangerous criminals appear on the screen. They are world-known maniacs: Andrey Chikatilo, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy and Andres Breivik. The titles appear “Known as monsters”. Every photo of the criminal changes to his own kid’s photo. Offensive nicknames appear with childish but insulting drawings on the photo. Titles appear: “Were bullied kids in the past”. Titles: Bullying creates dangerous mental impact on the kids. Titles: Prevent. Protect. Final packshot with call to action to join the anti-bullying community.

Cultural context:
According to the psychological researches being bullied at a young age can affect someone well past childhood and can cause lifelong psychological damage. Dangerous criminals shown in the film confessed in the interviews that they were constantly bullied by other kids. Bullying and domestic violence in combination can cause serios psychological problems and anti-social behavior in future
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Shooting from the cell phone. Teenage girl shoots the video tour inside of her school. She shows class rooms, corridors, toilets and yard. But there is one strange thing: in video appears some pixeled area not clearly visible to the viewer. The pixeled people represent bullied kids. Them and their problems are unseen by others. Video ends with a girl who says goodbye and switch on the front camera – she is pixeled (and bullied) too. Call to action to see the problem of bullying and to stop it.

Cultural context:
Bullied kids are usually “invisible” by others: classmates don’t want to interact with them and parents or teachers don’t want to interfere into kids arguing. But scaring statistics shows that 63% of school kids in Kazakhstan interact with some form of bullying. It can happen even to your kid. First step to solve the problem is to watch more attentively for the kids, see (acknowledge) and stop the bullying problem
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The boy does not want to go to school, and his mother wonders why. then in the boy's imagination, the bullying and hooligans he faces at school, the violence done to him by his classmates and school children pass before his eyes for a moment. but the boy just tells his mother. he can't tell his mother that it's not just that. and the reason for this is that fear appeared in his psyche after these actions, and as a result of mental stress and depression, he was embarrassed to tell his mother these things. and through this, it is intended to show that your child may also be going through situations and processes that are "not just..." and to give a signal to parents through this. don't be indifferent to your children is a reminder that sometimes what they say is "just" things can add up and cause big problems later
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A young schoolboy sitting in the school principal's office with bruises on his face. First, the official who is talking to the child asks the child if he did this before, but the child does not say. the official asks the boy not to be afraid and to speak freely, when the boy starts to tell about who put him in this situation, the shot is shown behind the door and the boy is explained but his voice is not heard. and then the door closes. and word appears that the content of the video will be revealed. "Some problems sometimes remain behind the door...". What do we mean by this? Some officials, thinking about their reputations and careers, simply cover up violence, bullying, and bad things, and as a result, these problems are left behind the door and are not solved. not try to reflect how many children are suffering both mentally and physically as a result of this
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School children always think about different things at school before going to school. for example. About what someone will wear to school tomorrow, what classes will be, and what they will be doing with their friends, and other things. but some children think about how to get out with other friends and students at school, how to "save life". and in this video we tried to partially reveal these problems
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The concept of double hatred towards a person who seeks protection from abusers from parents, management and other authorities has been present in a our life since childhood. In the kindergarten, such are called tatteltale loudly singing a rhyme and touching in public, a little later the tattletale is transformed into - “terpila”, the one who called "snitch”. Most of the schoolchildren do not tell anyone that they are being bullied, because in the understanding of children, becoming a “snitch” is much worse than enduring the bullying of classmates. This state of affairs leads to the fact that children are eventually left alone with the problem and find nothing better than to end the torment - by committing suicide. As reported by Tengrinews.kz over the past years, more than 300 suicide attempts have been recorded in Kazakhstan, of which more than 100 have resulted in a fatal outcome.

The whole video is built only on sounds, so that a person fully feels himself in the place of a victim of bullying and images the whole situation in his head himself
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Adults do not see anything terrible in children's friendly teasing of each other, writing it off simply as childish \ frivolous jokes. But often, what sounds like an innocent teaser to us is actually verbal bullying and entails psychological trauma for the child, which often ends in suicide attempts. As reported by Tengrinews.kz over the past years, more than 300 suicide attempts have been recorded in Kazakhstan, of which more than 100 have resulted in a fatal outcome.

The video is built only on sounds in order to fully immerse the viewer in the role of the victim of bullying and together with her experience the horror that an innocent taunting ditty
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Bullying is perceived by adults as something not so serious as to start fighting it. They often attribute bullying cases to age and a peculiar type of communication in children, not seeing this as a problem.

The video takes the rules of the game in the form of perception of bullying by adults - “well, they play like that”, and shows the situation through the eyes of these same adults, where innocent “funny” games, in fact, are cruel bullying that can not be hidden by any form
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Children who are subjected to constant bullying cease to be children, but actually become hostages of daily torment and waiting for the end of each day, which is like being in prison.

The video tells the story of a man who suffers from daily bullying, drawing an analogy with prison rules - from the unspoken norms of behavior in local society to the indifferent attitude of the institution's management. The video calls to stop turning a blind eye to the fact of the destruction of kids childhood, and start fighting bullying in order to let children live their childhood and not survive in a harsh environment
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Adults often think that school bullying is part of the usual children's games and amusements, although in fact bullying can seriously injure the mental and physical condition of a child. Bullying should not be perceived as something normal in childhood, and should not be covered up by the most adults. Because by justifying bullying, adults only contribute to its development.

Our video is an interactive audio with the sounds of children playing and a QR code, which makes it possible to see what «games» take place in schools every day
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In the video we see a schoolboy standing in his room, in front of a rack of his belongings. Each thing symbolizes his achievement, his happiness, his favorite thing, or a pleasant memory. Everything he loves disappears after certain phrases we hear behind the scenes. Each phrase is a "flashback" of bullying toward him. Because of each instance of bullying, he didn't prove himself in his hobby, dropped out of the section, was afraid to answer in class, didn't adapt in new company. At the end of the video, the mother asks her son if he's okay. She does not know or see everything that happens to him. The boy does not want to share his problems with her because, in his opinion, it may lead to even worse consequences for him. Disappearing medals symbolize the consequences of bullying - a child deprived of happiness and life achievements Cultural context: Bullying will negatively affect their physical and mental health and deprive them of many achievements in life. Also children do not tell adults that they have been victims or witnesses of bullying because proceedings follow. Thus, the child becomes a "snitch" in his or her environment and bullying can become even more aggressive
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The film is based on the insight that not every child can to say directly about the fact that he was bullied. But every the child tries to explain in his own way, tries to attract the attention of parents so that they notice what is happening to him, since every child wants to live in a world free from cruelty and aggression.
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At the heart of this film is the insight that parents, knowing about the problem, do not see it as anything serious. In the meantime, how the child experiences fear, anxiety, anxiety when he goes to school.
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  • BestSeller BTL & Event agency
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