1. A horizontal video film up to 60 seconds.
2. The written explanation (300 words) in a separate vertical/horizontal “.pdf” file A4:
- A short summary of what happens in the film (150 words)
- Cultural/context information (150 words). Please explain any cultural terms, references or viewing context which you feel need explanation.
3. Sound and voice(s) must be in Russian language.
4. Subtitles must be in English language.
5. No dubbing in English must be provided.
6. The film must be provided in “.mov” or “.mp4” formats. The written explanation must be provided in “.pdf” format (vertical/horizontal).
7. You can create as many films as you want and can.
No names, logos or any kind of information about participants on the creative work, please.Files must be transferred via WeTransfer file sharing service. Internet link for the download must be provided to:
official@canneslions.today until
21-00 +5GMT (Tashkent time) or 22-00 +6GMT (Almaty time), 1st of May 2022.
Filename of the film
must be
XX Film YY where
XX is the letter code of your country (UZ, KZ or KG) and
YY is the number of your team (example KG Film 03). If you provide several films then add -01 or -02 to the name of the file (example UZ Film 05-01).
Filename of the
Explanation must correspond to the name of the file with the film.