Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2025

for potential jury members
You are awesome!

And your point of view means a lot for the generations of young creatives who may follow your steps one day...

Can you help us get your opinion on the creative works which will be developed during a yearly Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2025 any convenient time from March 17 to March 30?

Become one of this year's Juries!
Askhat Uskembayev
The Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2025 organizer and an exclusive official representative of the International Festival of Creativity Cannes Lions, including regional festivals eurobest, Spikes Asia, Dubai Lynx, in Central Asia
The essence of the Young Lions Competitions is simple
If you are a creative or a marketer up to 30 years old you must show your skills and talent by answering a challenge of unexpected but inspirational brief, developing a creative idea withing limited period of time - 24 to 48 hours . You just need to form a team of two and pick the category you are strong at:
  • Print
  • Film
  • Digital
  • Design
  • PR
  • Media
  • Marketer
An English language with an extremely competent jury make the competition as close to Young Lions at Cannes as possible. The regional winners take part in the finals at the Cannes Lions 2025 this June.
You can choose a category you feel most confident about
The entry will include a board and a 5-slide presentation with a digital-led campaign that utilises the powers of digital technology to respond to the challenge in the brief.
Personal 5-minutes presentations to be held online on on 17 March (19:00 +5GMT).
The entry will include a film up to 60'' and a description of idea and cultural context in a file.
The entry will include a print ad with the idea answering a challenge in the brief.
Separate text file with the description of the idea and a cultural context will be also provided.
The entry will include a mood board that also includes a description of how the design fits the brief and how it could help the brand evolve.
Personal 5-minutes presentations to be held online on 18 March (19:00 +5GMT).
The entry will include a board and a 5-slide presentation with an innovative media strategy based on compelling insights, showing how teams use different media channels and encourage engagement in response to the brief.
Personal 5-minutes presentations to be held online on 21 March (19:00 +5GMT).
The entry will include a board and a 5-slide presentation with an effective and engaging PR campaign in response to a communications challenge described in the brief.
Personal 5-minutes presentations to be held online on 20 March (19:00 +5GMT).
The entry will include a board and a 5-slide presentation with a newly created product or service that answers the challenge in the brief. Note: this Competition is open to client marketers only, and teams must represent the company they work for. By ‘client marketers’, we mean marketers not working at an agency representing different clients.
Personal 5-minutes presentations to be held online on on 19 March (19:00 +5GMT).
Jury Candidate
Please let us know if you feel like you can join the Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2025 as one of the Jury members. Please fill in the form below.
A 2025 Schedule
  • Registration of teams - from 7 January to 13 March, 2025
  • The competitions will be held from 14 March to 16 March, 2025
  • The work of the jury is from 17 March to 30 March, 2025 (with 2 online meetings at this period)
  • Announcement of the winners - 3 April, 2025
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns
Phone: +7 701 715 3035

Askhat Uskembayev
The Young Lions Competitions Central Asia 2025 organizer and an exclusive official representative of the International Festival of Creativity Cannes Lions, including regional festivals eurobest, Spikes Asia, Dubai Lynx, in Central Asia